Search our Collections
Starling Books has a wide and varied stock of rare, vintage, collectable, used and out-of-print books which will appeal to the avid reader and discerning collector.
You can search our entire online stock or our specialised collections (see below and sidebar). We are gradually adding selected items but if you don't find what you want immediately then please contact us at as we may have it in our main stock.
We're taking a short break and will not be handling new orders until the 11th March 2025.
If you have any queries you can still contact us at
Best wishes from the Starling team
Our Main Collections

This collection contains books on where and how beer was produced, the companies that produced it, the places where it was drunk, and the advertising material associated with the industry.

This collection contains books written for children and teenagers, and studies of specific genres and authors.
You can search by Author and Title using this form.
There is also an advanced search available, where you can be more specific in your queries.

This collection includes fiction featuring professional, private, or amateur detectives, and criminous acts.

This collection contains items on the people, places, events, businesses, institutions, natural history, and topography related to specific communities and regions.

This collection includes the original stories featuring Sherlock Holmes, literary studies, parodies, pastiches, adaptations, and dramatisations.