

2 items found Displaying: 1-2
call to order : written between the years 1918 and 1926 and including Cock and harlequin, Professional secrets, and other critical essays

A call to order: written between the years 1918 and 1926 and including Cock and harlequin, Professional secrets, and other critical essays

Cocteau, Jean Maurice Eugène Clément
Faber and Gwyer
A collection of essays by one of the foremost artists of the surrealist, avant-garde, and Dadaist movements.
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Cock and harlequin : notes concerning music

Cock and harlequin: notes concerning music

Cocteau, Jean Maurice Eugene Clement
Egoist Press
A collection of statements and proposals with an appendix on Stravinsky's 'Le sacre du printemps'.
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