

4 items found Displaying: 1-4
reputation for excellence : a history of the Aberdeen and Northern counties printing industries

A reputation for excellence: a history of the Aberdeen and Northern counties printing industries

Scottish Printing Archival Trust
Merchiston Publishing
An account of printing in the north of Scotland from the establishment of the first press in Aberdeen in 1622.
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reputation for excellence : a history of the Dundee and Perth printing industries

A reputation for excellence: a history of the Dundee and Perth printing industries

Scottish Printing Archival Trust
Merchiston Publishing
An account of printing in Dundee and Perth from the establishment of the first press in 1547.
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reputation for excellence : a history of the Edinburgh printing industry

A reputation for excellence: a history of the Edinburgh printing industry

Scottish Printing Archival Trust
Merchiston Publishing
An account of printing in Edinburgh from the establishment of the first press in 1507.
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reputation for excellence : a history of the Glasgow printing industry

A reputation for excellence: a history of the Glasgow printing industry

Scottish Printing Archival Trust
Merchiston Publishing
An account of printing in Glasgow from the establishment of the first press in 1638.
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