

3 items found Displaying: 1-3
Dalkeith tolbooth and market cross

The Dalkeith tolbooth and market cross

Smith, David Robert
Midlothian Council Library Service
A brief history of the Dalkeith Tolbooth and the market cross that is believed to have stood in front of it.
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Mercat cross and tolbooth : understanding Scotland's old burghs

Mercat cross and tolbooth: understanding Scotland's old burghs

Mair, Craig
John Donald Publishers Ltd
A guide to surviving features of ancient old Scottish burghs.
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Scots mercat "cross" : an inquiry as to its history and meaning

The Scots mercat "cross": an inquiry as to its history and meaning

Black, William George
William Hodge & Co., Ltd.
A history of those standing stones in Scotland described as mercat crosses, updated to include a description of the re-erected Glasgow mercat cross.
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