

Page 2 of 6 133 items found Displaying: 25-48
Elementary my dear Watson: Sherlock Holmes Centenary: his life and times

Elementary my dear Watson: Sherlock Holmes Centenary: his life and times

Nown, Graham
Ward Lock Limited
A profusely illustrated review of the world of Holmes.
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English literature and history, including the Stanley MacKenzie collection of Sherlock Holmes memorabilia

English literature and history, including the Stanley MacKenzie collection of Sherlock Holmes memorabilia

Western, Emma
A catalogue for the sale held on Monday 24th July, 1995. With loosely inserted list of prices realised.
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Euston to Trafalgar Square

Euston to Trafalgar Square

Richards, Antony J.
Irregular Special Railway Company
Irregular Special Railway Company
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Five Sherlockian walks in London

Five Sherlockian walks in London

Dorn, William S.
Battered Silicon Dispatch Box
Five guided tours around Holmes' London.
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For the sake of the game : being a further travel guide to the England of Sherlock Holmes

For the sake of the game: being a further travel guide to the England of Sherlock Holmes

Hammer, David L.
Gasogene Press, Ltd.
The second volume in Hammer's quest to identify Sherlockian sites in England. Signed by the author on the front free endpaper.
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From Cornwall to Tibet ; five Holmesian essays

From Cornwall to Tibet: five Holmesian essays

Monahan, Eric
Eric Monahan
A collection of Sherlockian essays.
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gaggle of governesses : a day excursion by the Sherlock Holmes Society of London 7 September 1997

A gaggle of governesses: a day excursion by the Sherlock Holmes Society of London 7 September 1997

Bruxner, Pamela
Sherlock Holmes Society of London
A handbook with studies for a Sherlock Holmes Society expedition to the Home Counties.
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Helping out hopeless Hopkins : a day excursion in search of the locations of The golden pince-nez, Black Peter and The Abbey Grange : 3 June 2001

Helping out hopeless Hopkins: a day excursion in search of the locations of The golden pince-nez, Black Peter and The Abbey Grange: 3 June 2001

Bruxner, Pamela
Sherlock Holmes Society of London
A handbook with studies for a Sherlock Holmes Society expedition to the south-east.
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Holmes and the theory of games

Holmes and the theory of games

Austin, Bliss
Magico Magazine
An analysis of the decisions made by Holmes and Moriarty, to go to Canterbury and Dover respectively, in 'The final problem'.
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Holmes and Watson : a miscellany

Holmes and Watson: a miscellany

Roberts, Sydney Castle
Oxford University Press
A classic collection of essays, with two pastiches.
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Holmes under the lens : some observations on aspects of the canon

Holmes under the lens: some observations on aspects of the canon

Monahan, Eric
Parallel Publications
A collection of Sherlockian essays.
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Holmes' range

Holmes' range

Armstrong, Walter P.
Magico Magazine
A collection of essays on Holmes.
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Holmesian attire : costume for canonical activities

Holmesian attire: costume for canonical activities

Smyth, Anna
Franco-Midland Hardware Company
Advice on dressing for canonical activities. Number 53 of a limited Edition of 200.
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Hound and horse : a Dartmoor commonplace book

Hound and horse: a Dartmoor commonplace book

Purves, Shirley
Sherlock Holmes Society of London
A handbook for a Sherlock Holmes Society of London expedition to Dartmoor.
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hound of the Baskervilles : Dartmoor or Herefordshire?

The hound of the Baskervilles: Dartmoor or Herefordshire?

Campbell, Maurice
Magico Magazine
A reprint of an essay on the location of 'The hound of the Baskervilles' which originally appeared in 'Guy's Hospital Gazette'.
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I looked in at Mecca : an insight into Sherlock Holmes' visit to Mecca

I looked in at Mecca: an insight into Sherlock Holmes' visit to Mecca

Jordan, Anne
Northern Musgraves
An account of part of Holmes' great hiatus.
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intelligence of Sherlock Holmes, and other three-pipe problems : psychological studies of the Great Detective and his companion Dr John H Watson

The intelligence of Sherlock Holmes, and other three-pipe problems: psychological studies of the Great Detective and his companion Dr John H Watson

Radford, John
Sigma Forlag A.S.
A collection of essays on Holmes and Watson from the point of view of modern scientific psychology.
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irregular Anglo-American glossary of more or less unfamiliar words, terms and phrases in the Sherlock Holmes saga

An irregular Anglo-American glossary of more or less unfamiliar words, terms and phrases in the Sherlock Holmes saga

Bigelow, S. Tupper
Magico Magazine
A facsimile reprint of Bigelow's original glossary
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irregular pictionary : forty words for Sherlockians

An irregular pictionary: forty words for Sherlockians

Redmond, Christopher
Battered Silicon Dispatch Box
A pictionary of selected and illustrated canonical words, with occasionally irreverent definitions.
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Joe Fink tells tall Sherlockian tales

Joe Fink tells tall Sherlockian tales

Fink, Joseph J.
Battered Silicon Dispatch Box
Twenty five essays, speeches and presentations on matters Holmesian.
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life and times of Mr. Sherlock Holmes, John H. Watson, M.D., Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and other notable personages : a table of significant events

The life and times of Mr. Sherlock Holmes, John H. Watson, M.D., Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and other notable personages: a table of significant events

Klinger, Leslie S.
Daypark Press
Parallel listings of events in the lives of Holmes, Watson, Doyle and the outside world. Signed by the editor.
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light is dark enough : the Sherlock Holmes Society of London Cambridge expedition 1989

The light is dark enough: the Sherlock Holmes Society of London Cambridge expedition 1989

McCafferty, John
Sherlock Holmes Society of London
A handbook for a Sherlock Holmes Society of London expedition to Cambridge.
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log of "the Gloria Scott" : the practical book of Sherlock Holmes with some observations on the segregation of the Irregular : the writings of Robert N. Brodie B.S.I.

The log of "the Gloria Scott": the practical book of Sherlock Holmes with some observations on the segregation of the Irregular: the writings of Robert N. Brodie B.S.I.

Brodie, Robert N.
Battered Silicon Dispatch Box
A collection of canonical writings by a noted Sherlockian.
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making of Sherlock Holmes : an investigation into the forensic methods of the world's first consulting detective in the year 1881

The making of Sherlock Holmes: an investigation into the forensic methods of the world's first consulting detective in the year 1881

Jones, Kelvin I.
Magico Magazine
Discusses the pioneering role of Holmes in the use of new techniques in the investigation of crime.
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