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Medical sciences
20 items found
Displaying: 1-20
Corpus meum: this is my body, being (1) a homely word in the great spiritual doctrine of the work of nutrition ...
Percy Lund Humphries & Co., Ltd.
A discussion of nutrition within the context of Christian teachings.
La grosse maladie
XiXe CongrèsInternational de Physiologie
A photographic reproduction of a sixteenth century text on scurvy, with associated essays.
Patent medicines
Fact, Ltd.
A discussion of issues relating to secret or semi-secret proprietary remedies.
Two royal physicians: Sir James Clark, Bart., 1788-1870, Sir John Forbes, 1787-1861 : schoolmates at Fordyce Academy
Banffshire Journal Ltd.
Biographies of two naval surgeons. Number 120 of a limited edition of 200, with gift inscription on front cover.
Medical astrology
L.N. Fowler & Co. Ltd.
An introduction to the study of astrology in relation to physical health.
Hydropathic highway to health: women and water-cure in antebellum America
Greenwood Press
An analysis of the development of water-cures for women in America prior to the Civil War.
La médecine est un roman: allocution d'ouverture au St. Mary's Hospital
Battered Silicon Dispatch Box
A translation of an article by Doyle that first appeared in the Lancet in 1910.
The Sun Vikings: how they vanquished disease: a great Swedish experiment
NY Nords Förlag
A pamphlet promoting the vegetarian principles of Are Waerland.
Alcohol and science, or, Alcohol: what it is, and what it does
W. Nicholson & Sons, Limited
A temperance tract on the effects of alcohol on the individual and society.
Wise eating in wartime
His Majesty's Stationery Office
A guide to nutrition in the context of wartime shortages.
The strange story of Dr. James Barry: army surgeon, Inspector-General of Hospitals, discovered on death to be a woman
Longmans, Green and Co
An account of Dr James Barry, who was probably the first woman to qualify as a doctor and practice as surgeon.
The origin of food habits
Faber and Faber Ltd
Draws on dietetics, psychology, nutrition, and the human senses to provide an analysis of our food habits, and their cultural links.
Medieval English medicine
David & Charles
A medical history covering the legacy of the Romans and the arrival of the Saxons, through to the early thirteen hundreds.
A dissertation on the anatomy of the brain
Nyt Nordisk Forlag
A facsimile edition, with translation, of Steno's lecture to a group of gentlemen at M. Thevenot's house in 1665.
The Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh bicentenary year 1729-1929
Oliver and Boyd
A history of the origins and development of the oldest voluntary hospital in Scotland.
The four gentlemen of Westminster
Westminster Hospital
A prospectus issued in support of funding for the Westminster Hospital.
Medical treatment of gas casualties
His Majesty's Stationery Office
Part of a series of handbooks providing measures for safeguarding the civil population against the effects of air attack.
A doctor digresses
Jonathan Cape
A look at man and the universe through the eyes of a doctor.
Alcohol and human life, being partly a revision of "Alcohol and the human body," by the late Sir Victor Horsley and the late Dr. Mary Sturge and others
H. K. Lewis & Co. Ltd.
A temperance tract on the effects of alcohol on the individual and society.
The wheel of health: a study of a very healthy people
C.W. Daniel Company Ltd
A study of the diet and health of the Hunza people.